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Team Photoshoot

Please complete the below form. The details provided will be used to ensure a fast and easy experience at the session.

Details provided will be used in the editing process so please double check for spelling mistakes.

On the day, please arrive ready in your full kit, please don't wear skins if possible. Each player will take approx 2mins to photograph. Once completed you are free to leave.

Player Name
Parent / Guardian
This email will be used to deliver your online Gallery

Fifa Style Player Stats

Just for Fun, if you wish, please complete the below stats for yourself or your Player

Stats are from 1 - 99

Player Position

Out Field Player Stats (optional) 1 - 99

Social Media & Website

Do you consent to your player/child images being used on our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and our Website.

Occasionally we use images for promotional purposes and to share our work with others and to celebrate your Teams success

Do you consent to these images being used